We believe that every girl deserves a supportive network to help her overcome challenges and celebrate successes. Whether discussing school, friendships, or personal goals, the BE Big Sis Lil Sis Program creates a safe, nurturing space for girls to build strong bonds and develop critical life skills.


Safe Space

Community Engagement

The Beautifully EmpowHERed & Authentic Growth Wellness Group Big Sis Little Sis Program is a mentorship program designed to foster supportive relationships between high school girls (Big Sis) and junior high girls (Little Sis). This program provides young girls with a sisterly figure to talk to, share experiences, and navigate life’s challenges together. Through monthly events and community-based activities, Big Sis and Little Sis pairs form meaningful connections that encourage confidence, personal growth, and empowerment.

The program is rooted in the belief that every girl deserves a supportive network to help her overcome challenges and celebrate successes. Whether discussing school, friendships, or personal goals, the BE Big Sis Little Sis Program creates a safe, nurturing space for girls to build strong bonds and develop critical life skills.

Key Features:

Mentorship: High school Big Sis mentors are paired with junior high Little Sis mentees, offering guidance, support, and friendship.

Monthly Events: Engaging events, such as workshops, picnics, and community service projects, are designed to strengthen the sisterly bond and encourage personal development.

Safe Spaces: The program provides both in-person activities at the Beautifully EmpowHERed Center and opportunities for Big Sis and Little Sis pairs to connect virtually through a group app (with parental discretion for unsupervised chats).


Build confidence and leadership skills in both Big Sis and Little Sis participants.

Create a community of empowered young women supporting one another.

Provide opportunities for personal growth, career exploration, and social engagement.

Program Overview


Applications Open

Applications Close

Big Sis Mentor Training

Program Kickoff Event