We believe that every girl deserves a supportive network to help her overcome challenges and celebrate successes. Whether discussing school, friendships, or personal goals, the BE Big Sis Lil Sis Program creates a safe, nurturing space for girls to build strong bonds and develop critical life skills.


Safe Space

Community Engagement

The Beautifully EmpowHERed & Authentic Growth Wellness Group Big Sis Little Sis Program is a mentorship program designed to foster supportive relationships between high school girls (Big Sis) and junior high girls (Little Sis). This program provides young girls with a sisterly figure to talk to, share experiences, and navigate life’s challenges together. Through monthly events and community-based activities, Big Sis and Little Sis pairs form meaningful connections that encourage confidence, personal growth, and empowerment.

The program is rooted in the belief that every girl deserves a supportive network to help her overcome challenges and celebrate successes. Whether discussing school, friendships, or personal goals, the BE Big Sis Little Sis Program creates a safe, nurturing space for girls to build strong bonds and develop critical life skills.

Key Features:

Mentorship: High school Big Sis mentors are paired with junior high Little Sis mentees, offering guidance, support, and friendship.

Monthly Events: Engaging events, such as workshops, picnics, and community service projects, are designed to strengthen the sisterly bond and encourage personal development.

Safe Spaces: The program provides both in-person activities at the Beautifully EmpowHERed Center and opportunities for Big Sis and Little Sis pairs to connect virtually through a group app (with parental discretion for unsupervised chats).


Build confidence and leadership skills in both Big Sis and Little Sis participants.

Create a community of empowered young women supporting one another.

Provide opportunities for personal growth, career exploration, and social engagement.

Program Overview